Search Resources

What information can I get?
Where do I get it from?

Adoption Record Availability by State
Please check here before purchasing the
Search Roadmap

Each state has its own set of laws and regulations regarding the release of both the adoptee’s original birth certificate and the adoption files held by the agency and the court/state. Here is a link to a resource that is fairly accurate and up to date for each state.

Check out your state of birth and adoption, if they are different states, to see what information you are entitled to request and receive. It is current through December 2019.

The Search Roadmap

Perfect for Adoptees and Lineal Descendants who know the birth parent names and are searching for the birth family. This will NOT work if you do not know the birth parent names.

If you wish more indepth help with your search in a step by step format, this self directed search roadmap will help you complete the Information Fact Sheet. The Roadmap provides a proven strategy as well as tips for the most popular information databases online. Also included are additional web sites and strategies for research information gathering. Once you have completed as much of the Information Fact Sheet on your birth family as you can, the next step may be to make contact with them.

When you have found the person you believe to be your birth family, there are templates of introductory letters to personalize as you wish. Strategies and suggestions for the approach based on the age of the family member, relationship to the birth parent, and how certain you are it is the correct match.

The Search Roadmap is available as a download for use at your own pace. It includes three consultation calls and three months of email support.

We also highly encourage you to join The Adoption Search Connection Membership which will link you with a whole community of adoptees or their descendants who really understand what you are going through. Check out the membership info linked on the main menu.

The Adoption and Reunion Support Community

We are a private Facebook group where we will support each other in our search and reunion journeys. I am a reunited adoptee and understand the idea of having two identities and realities. The ability to meld each of these regardless of search outcome provides our inner identities.
No matter how much we love and are loved by our families, we are still adoptees with a history “before” our adoptions. We can embrace it. It is what makes us who we are and is part of our story.
It is a wonderful story!

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